Our Glens Falls and Schenectady offices will be closed and not offering testing on Thursday, February 6th.

The Alliance for Positive Health

Combatting HIV and its related epidemics of sexually transmitted infection, opioid addiction, and mental health crises born out of poverty, stigma, and injustice.


Find a location near you

100% free, confidential, non-judgmental testing for HIV, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, and Hepatitis C


Care coordination customized to your needs

Helping access, coordinate, and navigate the healthcare system


Supportive care for stable, healthy lives

Connecting to housing, medical transportation, nutrition, support groups

It was like you walked the journey with me.

The Alliance for Positive Health

As a leader in testing and care coordination services for those living with HIV, our responsibility is to extend that expertise to those impacted by sexually transmitted diseases, opioid addiction, and associated health and mental health challenges. Creating new opportunities for living.

Alliance for Positive Health team at Pride

The Alliance for Positive Health

Committed to ending the epidemic. HIV Care is HIV prevention.

Accurate, non-judgmental health education, rapid testing, early and sustained treatment, and supportive care to ensure that people have stable, healthy living conditions - these things remain our guardrails against an expansion of the epidemic and another public health crisis.

Our Services

Free, confidential, judgment-free HIV, STI, and hepatitis C testing

Coordination and access to the care you need


Help that goes beyond medical needs

What Clients Say

Changing lives by meeting people where they are.

I couldn’t have had a more positive experience

I went here for the first time to get free testing and got a test that was administered by Brooks. This place not only has the most calmest ambiance, but the nicest staff ever, especially Brooks. I couldn't have had a more comfortable, validating, non-judge-mental, and overall positive experience.


I feel blessed

I feel blessed to have {AFPH counselor}. I don’t normally ask for help for many reasons but she made me feel like it was an honor for her to be working with me.


Grateful and humbled

I’m grateful and humbled by your agency and I’m glad that they were able to transfer from just AIDS to other chronic illnesses as well to be able to reach out to more people. I’ve learned that I don’t live with AIDS, AIDS lives with me. Once I graduate from case management I am looking to be a volunteer to assist with outreach. 


Get Involved

Get Tested

Free, confidential, non-judgmental


Your gift changes a life

Get Help

Wherever you are.